This evening, as I was looking over a timeline that I had created for my husband's grandfather, Hezekiah Carter, I noticed that one of the witnesses at his first marriage was G.W. Cully. Since connecting with Yvette Porter Moore of Digging Roots: My Family History , my eye has become keen to any Cully connections in our family documents. Hezekiah Carter; Marriage Register, Volume 6, pp. 65-66; Craven County Register of Deeds, Craven County, NC. The marriage license was issued on October 20, 1896 to Hezekiah Carter, age 25, Colored, and to Stella Cannady, age 25, Colored. They were married on October 22, 1896 by the Rev. A.F. Mitchell in Township No. 6. Witnesses were M. F. [Omm], GW Cully, and CC Godett. GW Cully. The first thing I checked was the Census record on What I discovered was even more interesting than I had anticipated. George W. Cully's age was recorded as 5/12; however, the Census was recorded on August 20, 1870 and his month of birth is reco...